It’s been an exciting few days for Advantage First Aid; Keys collected to the new unit, some alterations taking place and pack, pack,pack!
We collected the keys top the new units on Monday 15th Feb. Straight away we had a few changes that we wanted making- mainly the installation of a kitchen area and sink and some carpet tiles fitting in what will be the office unit. Work began in earnest on Tuesday and soon the unit began to take shape.
The corners of each unit just had a tap and pipe- not suitable for long term coffee making! We purchased some bargains on e-bay and invested in a new kitchen sink and over the last few days, it has begun to take shape- The tap was removed in order to plumb into the new sink and a hole was drilled through the wall for the waste pipe to hook up with the waste pipes coming off the hand wash basin, located the other side of the wall.

New heaters had been installed by the landlord and we decided that we wanted come carpet in the office side- just helps to keep noise insulated and it creates a more pleasant environment. The up and over doors in the office side will not be needed, so ample space for storage.

The second, larger, unit will be largely unchanged- it’s so bright & airy that the simple addition of the shelves, stock & packing area will turn it into a lovely working space. For now however, there is still a long way to go and we have a weekends of packing, loading, unloading, arranging and sorting ahead of us.