Don’t Let Time Constraints Derail Your Plans.
We all know that life simply gets in the way. Before Covid restrictions, curve balls were a “thing” and life is even more restrictive and likely to put the kybosh on our plans. However, if you have a small walking route that you save for just such a time emergency, you can still get out in the fresh air, still keep on track, but just use the edited version for that day / session / week etc. This is particularly useful when it’s belting down with rain as well. Once you put one walk session off, it’s a slippery slope – don’t give yourself a reason to miss it.
Share Your Plans, Targets and Walk Time: Add Some Variety.
If we make a target or have a plan, it helps to share it with someone. Someone who will ask us how we’re doing with our progress and take an interest in what we want to achieve. If that person can join us on our walks, then that may help you. Personally, I like the quietness and solitude of some walks, as it give my head a chance to reset and allow the cobwebs to be blown away – talking to someone as I walk just adds info to my internal database instead of purges the nonsense that clogs my mind. However, we are social beings and on some occasions some company can be as refreshing as some “me time” – were all different and just as one method doesn’t suit everyone, as chosen method doesn’t have to be rigidly adhered to day in day out – Variety is the spice of life and all that!
Reward Yourself!
Vital, vital, vital! Whether you want to structure a reward scheme of just give yourself an impromptu pat on the back when you next see something you want, its so important to tell yourself “well done”. It doesn’t always have to be monetary – a self pamper session at home could work just as well as splashing out on new shoes, dress or other special gift. The important thing to remember is that you are doing this for you, so you should reward yourself as well. Telling ourselves “well done” sometimes gets forgotten as we go through life, but it’s so important!
I could write for ages with ways to be motivated, flood the post with motivational quotes and become than annoying voice that just *talks*. But the point I really want to get across is that we need to give ourselves the best chance of success and go easy on ourselves when we don’t always succeed. Prevention rather than cure is something that I like to work with and I’m hoping that some of the points I have mentioned above will help you stay on tack and realise that getting out for a walk (or run) isn’t a chore and helps you to focus on making it work.
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks – John Muir
Thanks to for the Featured Image Quote.
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